Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hillary for president

The candidate I will vote for would have to be, Hillary Clinton. The main reason for my election is because she is a woman. I know that she is white, but she is a girl and thats a big thing because the U.S has never had a girl president before. Some of the things she wants to do to better this country are, Lowering taxes for middle class families. Affordoble health care to every American. Making college accesible and afordable. She wants to end war in Iraq. Improve our schools. The biggest is that ''when .Hillary is president comprehensive immigration reform will be a top priority''.

Monday, January 28, 2008

My political party

I chose to vote for the democratic party becuse, They commit to keep our nation safe and so that everybody can have equal opportunities. Democrats seek, honest leadership and open government, Energy independece, A healthcare system that works for everyone and much more.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

This past weekend

I woke up Saturday morning to a dirty house. The sun brightly rose. I told myself, I have to start cleaning. I put on some music, Shook the couches and drove the vacuum through the carpet. When everyting was clean, I heard baby Elvi's cries. So I got him and gave him food. I felt I was being rushed, because I had to get everyting ready and run to my mother in law's house. We were there until the sun was no longer in sight. before we left we stuffed our stomachs with carne asada, rise and all that good stuff. Sunday morning we were waiting an hour early for the game. My cousins drank and drank until the game was over. We were all hurt because the chargers lost. Then the house became silent one by one my cousins took off.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What pregnancy symtoms did you suffer? Good/Bad

The good symtoms I had when I was pregnant were that I did not threw up alot. Yes Igot stretchmarks but it wasn't as bad as other girls. I liked the way my stomach was, big and round. Always was on the go,did not have truble walking, cleaning, or dancing. The only bad times I remember was when I was Really big. Two weeks before I had my baby, I could not sleep anymore and I was so tired of been pregnant, thats because I past my due date and it sucked.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The First Part Last/ Reading Response 1

1. When I told my mom I was pregnant, she did not seem mad. First she was shocked and then I could really see in her face that she was really dissappointed. The only thing she could say was that I was very irresponsible. We were sitting in juvenile hall on a visitors night. That's how I told my mom I was pregnant.

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Years Resolutions

Hi! nerds my name is Celia, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby boy his name is Elvis. It is the begining of a whole new year and with that come my new year resolutions. I got a few but i really want to focus on three of them, 1. Get a car 2. lose weight and 3. hug my mother more often. Getting a car will benifit me a lot, it is an easier way of coming to school. This will also make me a more responsible person. Losing weight is a big one for me because I love eating. But after having a baby you can not eat like you use to. Hugging my mom this one for sure,I love her and she knows that but I don't really tell her or hug her. Now is the time to show some love before regretting.