Monday, January 7, 2008

New Years Resolutions

Hi! nerds my name is Celia, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby boy his name is Elvis. It is the begining of a whole new year and with that come my new year resolutions. I got a few but i really want to focus on three of them, 1. Get a car 2. lose weight and 3. hug my mother more often. Getting a car will benifit me a lot, it is an easier way of coming to school. This will also make me a more responsible person. Losing weight is a big one for me because I love eating. But after having a baby you can not eat like you use to. Hugging my mom this one for sure,I love her and she knows that but I don't really tell her or hug her. Now is the time to show some love before regretting.


dawn said...

okay, i voted for hug your mom twice . . she is so lucky to have such a sweet and intelligent daughter like you!! oh, and by the way, i'm still waiting for that salsa recipe . . that was the best and i want to post it on my blog!!